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The balancing act

Hi Everyone!
I know I've been terrible about updating the blog, which is okay. I think I mentioned here that I was working on creating a better balance. To stop trying to be all things for all people and figure out what I could do for me. It sounds so simple, doesn't it? But it's not. At least not for me.
I have a tendency to say YES! To volunteer any time I see an open position. And this isn't a bad thing when it's done in moderation. It's led to some amazing experiences and I've met some really fabulous people. 

But, time to find balance. 

So, in that effort, I've been working out & eating better. I've gone back to the basics on my writing, really figuring out what was tripping me up so I can fix it. (I'll go into that another time. It's been really interesting!) And, I've accepted a promotion at the day job that has led to more opportunities and responsibilities. Some of that completely counters my attempt at balance, but that's part of the process, right? Part of being able to grow as a person.
Yesterday I was in a meeting and for the first time in a long time, I felt under dressed. I'm sure I looked fine in my black & white striped pencil skirt and my black sweater. No one made me feel this way but myself. So, I came home and told Hubby that I need to invest in a suit. Not for everyday wear, but for the days I have these meetings with men who are older than me and all give me the side eye when I walk in. (Yes, it still happens. It's obnoxious.) I live in very casual Seattle. I think having a suit to wear in these situations (which, admittedly, don't happen more than once a quarter) will help. If nothing else, it'll help me.
Hubby's response was, "What type of suit?"  Huh. I don't know. I was thinking about a skirt and blazer. Skirts because I feel very comfortable in them over trousers. A blazer because...isn't that what makes up a suit?
Apparently I've been living under a rock when it comes to suit options. 

So, I ask you, what type of suits should I look for?