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Catching up, getting organized...working on it anyway

The blog has been neglected for far too long. My apologies. I could offer all sorts of excuses...The Emerald City Writers' Conference, family life, my in-laws moved across the country and now live in the 'hood (therefore they are stopping by. Frequently). And, last but not least, NaNoWriMo. 

And, all of that is true.

But mostly, I'm just trying to keep my head above water as my oldest son's birthday arrives and the holidays are fast approaching.

So, I'll just fill you in with what I've been up to.
We'll start with ECWC:
Me & Robyn Carr

Me & Karen Rose
Me & Maya Banks
Marie Force guessed it: Me.
Cherry Adair, getting ready to kick my butt, because....


I hope everything is well for all of you! I'll catch up soon....I hope.
