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Happiness Is

In light of the Facebook mood experiment a few weeks ago, I've been thinking of all the positives of daily life. I have no idea if I was randomly chosen to participate in the study, but going back over my newsfeed I find mostly positive comments.

And I love it. To say I'm an optimist would probably be simplifying the matter a bit. I simply believe in the best. Now, don't get me wrong, I know there are some nasties out there. I know that life isn't always fair and that things don't always work out the way I want them to.

But I chose to find the joy in the little things.

I think it's important that I decide what makes me happy, not anyone else.

And, for the most part, the people I chose to surround myself with seem to feel the same way.

So, I ask you: what makes you happy? What do you find the simple joy in?


  1. OMG! I had to sign in and it deleted my comment. Stupid technology.

    Shoes!!! Oh,!! Or wine! Beaches? Ugh!! There are so many choices!

    Okay, so there are lots of find that make me happy and bring little surges of joy. That's the best way to be, right? Great post, Ms. Cook!

    1. Oh good grief! The same thing just happened to me! Ok, so technology ISN'T on my list of little enjoyments. *harumph*

      But, isn't it great to be able to shake off a rough day by taking a moment to have a great glass of wine? Or sinking into a lovely bubble bath? Or diving into a great book? *dreamy sigh*

      Gotta admit. I really get a kick out of enjoying those little moments.
