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The Great Time's not what you think

As I sit down to write this blog I'm once again reminded how computers are supposed to make our lives easier. All our information is stored right there at our fingertips, easily accessible...except when it doesn't work. This morning I sat down to a blank screen. Not the blue screen of death, but a blank You-Aren't-Smart-Enough-to-Figure-This-Out screen.
Damn it. After copious amounts of coffee and muttering under my breath, I finally gave up.
Yes, that's right. I dragged my nine year old out of bed to fix it for me.

THEN, it was time to work. Simple blog post and hopefully a couple hundred words on the page before I needed to herd the troops to the car for school.
But, I couldn't get on the internet. Oh, it was connecting fine, but apparently my firewall didn't like Google Chrome. Or IE. The error message said that my security software thought I was being hacked.
Lovely. And good on them for protecting me, but how do I fit it? AND, which one is it? Because, yes, I have two. I don't want two different security software setups, but I had one and then the hubby upgraded to another, but the other one didn't get removed so now I'm doubly protected.
It's like a chastity belt for my computer. NOTHING is getting through there.
Even me.
So. Finally got that fixed (don't ask, I have no idea how) and here I am. Ready to blog. For the next 5 minutes before I have to put my mom hat on to feed the kids breakfast, make lunches, make sure everyone is wearing clean know the drill.
Tell me about your best time management tips and time saving strategies! I'd love to hear from you...if for nothing else, just so I know I'm not alone.

More soon,


  1. I am the time management guru! So much so, I stood before hundreds sharing my expertise. Two months ago, I decided to share my knowledge via blog. It began, "Ten minutes of planning will save one hour." It continued with a gargantuan spread...millions of acres of white space. What happened? Everyone else's crisis rolled in like blood-thirsty tumbleweeds. One day I will complete and post that time management blog...after I put a scriggly line through each of the bazillion entries on my To Do List that those ten minutes of planning produced! You know, To Do Lists are all about marking off each item. Seriously. If I accomplish something that's not on the list, I add it so I can mark it off. Hmmmm, I've just proven I know diddley about time management!!! Good luck with that...

    1. I realized that if I was only managing MY time, I'd be good. But I am called on to manage six doctors while the day job, Hubby (wonderful though he is, he is still male and requires reminders-which he will ignore, but that marriage contract says I have to him about his honey do list), Kiddos (homework, chores, standing over them pointing out how they need to do their chores, reading time, playing time, etc), Dog (aka writer's's hard to type when he's in my lap), not to mention the fabulously amazing Emerald City Writers' Conference.
      Yeah, what I need to do is only manage MY time and I'd be good.

      How do I do that?

      And Jude? YAY! Thanks for poking in here and seeing what I'm raving about. ;-)

  2. The life of a mom, wife, working woman and writer. Yes, the writing part is deliberately last. Isn't it always??

    As for time management, I honestly don't have any great tips. I am big on personal responsibility. If my children have homework to do, chores that need done, etc, I expect those things to be done without me hassling them every five minutes. I do ask about homework, and I will remind them about other things. Nagging is not in my repertoire. They don't get something finished, they're the ones suffering the repercussions - privileges lost, homework assignments turned in late for lower credit, etc.

    Beyond that? I struggle along like everyone else. Welcome to the club, Carmen. Here's your pin! :)
