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Living the Dream

I've had one of those moments. The moments where you realize that things have really been great. The moment you realize that you've grabbed the bull by the horns and have done things that some people dream about.

I'm not going to lie; it's an odd feeling to have.
I've never considered myself particularly adventurous or courageous. Never someone who was leading the pack by any stretch of the imagination.  I was simply living my life, the best way I knew how in that moment.

And that's what it boils down to; the moments. Those precious spans of time where the decisions can alter the paths we take and change everything. The seconds that can last for heartbeats and mean everything. For me, those moments, quite simply were one in a series of such moments. I didn't really give them the weight they deserved.  I'm amazed my mother survived with minimal grey hair and her sanity intact as I cavalierly announced I was taking a year off from college to back pack through Europe. Or when I said I was moving hundreds of miles away. Or anything really. 
But, those were my moments. The moments that shaped my world.
And I am eternally grateful to have had them.

So, don't panic about today, or worry about tomorrow. Just be happy in the now.
You might just surprise yourself.


  1. A lesson I've been learning the hard way these past few years, but I'm confident it will serve me well in the years to come. Great post, Ms Wisdom! ; )

    1. Ms. Wisdom...I like it! ;-)
      You mentioned your Spring Cleaning both of the house and your goals...I think my introspective posts of the past couple weeks are similar. Lots happening and it's exciting!!
