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Balancing the Scales

I've been having one of those phases where life is not cooperating with my plans. We've had some staffing issues at my day job which have created something of a time suck for me as I step in to help. With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, my children have become social butterflies, flitting from one party to another. And they're still in elementary school, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when they get older!
And, last but not least, is my writing. And with the writing, I'm lumping in the work I'm putting in for the Emerald City Writers' Conference, which will be taking place this October. I'm the conference chair this year, which means I get to talk to everybody involved. All the time! It's great fun.
I find myself jotting emails to my writer friends in the unlikeliest of places-all perfectly sanitary, I assure you- and sending myself notes on characters that haven't managed to grace my pages yet, or the solutions to little plot issues that have been eluding me. It's sheer chaos. And a not so secret part of me is thrilled by it.
The ideas are flowing, even if I don't have two seconds to jot them dot. The inspiration is practically beating me over the head. Plus, my guys are really stepping up to help out, which always makes me happy.
Let me share a secret with you men; you don't need to buy flowers or diamonds for your lady. All you need to do is clean the house and she will do whatever you want. 

 Seriously. I promise. ;-)

Okay, I've completely lost my train of thought on that one....oh yeah. Juggling. 

Everything seems to be hitting all at once around here. How do you juggle it all?


  1. Personally, finding balance is a never-ending process. There's plenty of time to get all sorts of things done while the children are away. When they're home? Nothing gets done. Nada. Zip. Zilch. This past weekend flitted by with nary a new word on the page, no progress on the synopsis or editing or anything writing wise.

    Well, the house is mostly clean at least. And the laundry is almost finished. The amount of clothing four children go through is truly ridiculous. I swear they're wearing at minimum three outfits each per day.

    1. Oh, did I tell you about my recently laundry strike? Although, maybe that's why the washing machine slammed my hand in the lid last night-it was getting me back for subjecting it to my guys being on laundry duty for the past month.

      But I agree, it's a never ending process. Once I think I have it all figured out, something new flies into the mix and I'm back to the drawing board.

  2. Whining to my friends seems to work for me. But then, I have awesome friends.

    1. You have the AWESOMEST of friends.... LOL
