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Back to the Grindstone

 So, the kids are back to school (YAY!) and we've dealt with the typical not wanting to go to school, I'm so tired, I don't feel well, excuses. All in the first week! Lucky us! (Careful, don't let the sarcasm drip on you...)  But for all the love I was professing to routine and schedules, I haven't accomplished anything since the kids went back. I mean, the house is still standing, clothes are-relatively-clean and everyone gets fed daily. That's something, right? But that's about it so far.

So, now it's time to set some goals for me. Or really get down to business with reshaping those items I let slide in the craziness of the summer.

First, writing time. Every day. No excuses. No brain being too tired to even try. That's all bunk. I will write EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Next, that whole diet and exercise thing. I've been doing better with the food choices lately (trying hard to pretend those sunflower seeds are just as good as the Almond Joy staring at me from the candy dish at work), but I need to start doing the whole exercise thing. EVERY DAY.

Yeah, notice a trend here? Too often I'm letting everyone else's schedule push mine off track, so I'm going to take that back. That's going to mean getting back in the habit of us at 5am (yawn) in order to accomplish things, but it's going to happen.

Tell me what the last thing you did for yourself was! We can encourage each other.

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