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Marketing...better known as finding the readers

There is a lot of buzz about marketing for authors. A lot of information out there telling us what we need to do, where we need to do it, who we need to connect with, tweet with (or is it tweet at?), Facebook, Goodreads, blogs, advertise...I'm sure I'm not mentioning several things that I should be doing.
I've noticed one major thing missing though: write. Don't forget to write. Every day. It's the only way to get published (I'm including self publishing in that 'get published' goal); create a product that you can sell. A product that people want to read. It's the only way to practice our craft.
Now, I'm not talking about writing a hundred thousand word piece right from the start. I'm realizing that setting smaller goals helps. A lot. Write that scene that just won't leave you alone, you might meet a character that you can use in your current book. Write a scene about something that happened in your character's past. Something that is part of his history, but won't actually be in the book. It's amazing how much that helps.
All the marketing stuff is good. It's needed. But don't lose sight of your product.

That being said, on my FB fan page (I have 'fans', can you believe it??) I post covers that catch my eye. Any and all covers are welcome. Feel free to offer suggestions and take part in the small conversations that happen over there.

Also, I'm going to have a guest blogger next Saturday, the wonderful Sabrina York! YAY! I can't wait to see what she's got up her sleeve...or tucked in her tiara as the case may be.

More soon,


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